Dames, Damoiselles, Sieurs et Damoiseaux,

Je suis tout à fait ravie et pleine de fierté ! Et vous le seriez également, si le génie de la musique qu’est Gilles Siva avait composé une chanson à propos de l’un de vos voyages^^

Le morceau s’appelle «This is her land», et retrace l’itinéraire de mon périple américain. A priori, il devrait être joué à la guitare folk, mais le Maître a mal à la main et a préféré enregistrer une première version à la guitare classique, moins agressive pour ses doigts 😉 Pas de panique cependant : la version pleinement folle viendra tôt ou tard !

Pour les paroles (comme les anglophones parmi vous pourront le constater 😉 ), il a oscillé entre mes comptes-rendus et la célèbre «This land is your land» de Woody Guthrie. Je vous laisse partir à la chasse aux références ! 😉

Little Lo is on her way to Frisco

Up and down Glen Canyon Park

She’s been looking at the city from the twin peaks

Followed the rainbow down to Castro District

Hoping hope will now never be silent

That there won’t anymore be gender tyrants

She paid a tribute to brave Harvey memory

And to the city’s GLBT history

This land is your land and this is her land

From California to the New York Island

From Louisiana to the Mexican border

This land was made for you and her.

As she was walking down Balmy Alley

She saw Mission District’s street art paintings

She paid a tribute to Beat Jack memory

And those who shared the road with Woody Guthrie

On Golden Gate bridge she crossed the waters

It should be that easy to cross the borders

She paid her greetings to the six painted ladies

As the sun was hiding, she flew away

This land is your land and this is her land

From California to the New York Island

From Louisiana to the Mexican border

This land was made for you and her.

Little Lo is on her way to New Orleans

To meet the warmth and the beat of the Big Easy

She jumped aboard the ferry, crossed the Mississippi

Then took the old Tram serving the city

She spent the whole day in the Vieux Carré

Cajuns and jazz tunes escape from bars and cafés

Through Bourbon street, she felt inebriated

By so many colors, music and laughters

This land is your land and this is her land

From California to the New York Island

From Louisiana to the Mexican border

This land was made for you and her.

To the sound of trombone, began the parade

Dancers in costumes, masquerade

The jazz is magic, exhilarating

Down in old Treme, she felt transported

Next day she braved the rain Back to Treme

Her mind rewinding Mardi Gras parade

She paid a tribute to Fats and all giant jazzmen

In the charming Treme’s Petit Jazz Museum

This land is your land and this is her land

From California to the New York Island

From Louisiana to the Mexican border

This land was made for you and her.

© Gilles Siva

Je vous invite bien évidemment à visiter le site Internet de Gilles Siva, et à le suivre partout où vous le pouvez (le musicien, pas le site 😉 ) : sur Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter